Season 2020/21 Wrapup

TeamMatchesRunsWicketsBestCatches / Runouts
Victor Harbor C1 Grade44 @ 43 / 2
Victor Harbor C2 Grade8*28 @ 5.67 @ 18.142/134 / 1
Lenswood A Grade T2010 @ –0/20 / 0
Lenswood B Grade44 @ 10 @ –0/194 / 0
Coomera Hope Island 4th Grade12 @ –0 @ –0/30 / 0
Total1838 @ 3.87 @ 252/1311 / 3
* MyCricket says 7, this is due to a game abandoned 30 overs in and recorded as abandoned, but the abandoned status is meant for games abandoned without a ball being bowled so it hasn’t been counted.